Luxury is a feeling more than anything

We are all at home and the days are probably blurring together. I think it is very important these days to create little moments each day that differentiate one day from the next. When I don't I find myself getting bored and my thoughts drift toward being "stuck" at home instead of "safe" at home.

The little moments I am carving out for myself are what I am calling little luxuries. I think of luxury as something that is not necessary but gives me great comfort, and in my opinion, it doesn't have to cost a lot or anything at all.

So in that spirit here are some of the little luxuries I am using to make each day special:

  • Sleep in. The easiest of them all for many of us. If you can, try it next weekend. Maybe be lavish about it and don't get out of bed until hunger forces you to. Bring a book, notebook, or something to bed with you the night before and after you wake-up (late) stay in bed even longer and read, journal, just hang out.

  • Make a special breakfast. Last week I shared some recipes I have been loving, and in addition to these I just tried making a dutch baby this weekend, and boy was it easy and delicious!

  • Schedule in hours of nothing time. We (read I) often underestimate the importance of rest. It is essential for our minds and bodies to function properly. And it is particularly important during times of unusual stress. Good sleep is essential, but I also find periods of active rest during my week where I am not responsible for doing anything, in particular, is so comforting. I like to block off time for me to relax, like having a long lunch where I can read or watch tv. Or an entire weekend afternoon that is not filled with housework or work work.

  • Go for a long walk without your phone. Wow, what a difference disconnecting without my phone makes. I like to take my daily neighborhood walks without my phone now and again so I am not tempted to check emails, call someone, take photos, or be distracted in some other way. Having my phone in hand creates this urgency that I should be doing something else but when I don't have it I am able to immerse myself in the moment... what a luxury being present truly is.

  • Take a long bath or shower and play some music. Such a simple thing, but it turns a daily "to do" into such a treat. Once in a while, I even like to get the diffuser going for some aromatherapy before I hope into the shower. It just reminds me to slow down to take care of myself. 

  • And speaking of, do aromatherapy while you're working, cleaning, or just chilling. Light a candle, burn incense or run a diffuser. The extrasensory indulgence makes everyday activities feel special and more enjoyable. I really love eucalyptus oil and I am obsessed with Lait candles because their scents are very delicate and not overpowering while still filling the room (I actually was anti scented candles before I started using these!).

  • Order in. If you are tired of cooking, just order in. Just take the proper precautions (contactless pick-up, removing all packaging from your home & cleaning, etc). I still find it to be such a gift that we can order in food amidst a pandemic and taking the responsibility of cooking off my partner and myself once in a while is the ultimate luxury.

Quince: Can Quality Be Accessible and Sustainable?

Quince: Can Quality Be Accessible and Sustainable?

A few weeks ago Quince reached out to me offering to gift one of their products. And as I do with any new brand looking for me to try their product in exchange for some social media love, I did a bit of digging to see how well they align with my values. (Just a note, I don’t share any brands that I wouldn’t personally purchase from and all thoughts expressed here are always my own).

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What I Wore: A Busy Workday

I just got back from vacation on Sunday and as expected this week has been a busy one. I just launched the pre-order for Two Days Off’s spring line which includes 6 new styles!
Wednesday was busy with running errands, shooting content, responding to customer inquiries, and catching up on my books so I knew I needed a power outfit and a long lunch in the park to keep me going.


Outfit details:

Two Days Off Kaneko Dress

ABLE Selam Backpack & Sandals (15% off with GinaStovall15)


What I Wore: Weekend Errands

This weekend I was running about unwinding from a busy past couple of weeks. But at the same time I am traveling next week so there are inevitably last minute errands to be run. This outfit was perfect for a trip to the diner and in and out shops, and to be honest I think it will be my new uniform anytime the weather dips below 65F in LA!


Outfit details:

Jenni Kayne Cotton Fisherman Sweater (get 20% off with code GINAS20)

ABLE Selam Backpack (15% off with GinaStovall15)

Cole Haan Ankle Bootie

10 year old Gap Boyfriend Jeans


Microfiber Accountability

I talk a lot about reducing my single-use plastic waste, but last year I started learning about micro plastics and how they are wreaking havoc on our oceans, food supply, and physical health.

One thing I didn’t know until last year is that my clothes are shedding microfibers as were wear and wash them. Shedding isn’t much of a problem when it comes to organic fibers (cotton, wool, linen, etc) because they will break down and not release harmful toxins. This is one of the reasons why for my clothing line, Two Days Off, I only use natural fibers. But for synthetics fabrics, they shed fiber often derived from petroleum that breaks down to release harmful toxins.

There are a few easy solutions to capture these microfibers that I have stumbled upon. One are bags to toss your synthetic clothing in like the one from Girlfriend Collective picture above; the guppy bag is another one that has been on the market for quite some time. There are also attachments you can add to your washing machine to capture the shed fibers like this one.
Since I live in an apartment and don’t have an in-unit washer dryer, the bag was the best option for me. I also don’t have much clothing made from synthetic fabrics except for my work out clothes and swim wear so I think just one bag should work for me.

I’m eager to try this out and see what accumulates in the bag! Maybe I’ll share a follow-up if it is interesting.


Plastic Freedom: Cleancult

In my latest foray of de-plasticing my life I have gotten my hands on an array of household cleaners by cleancult.

Cleancult products are made with clean, all natural ingredients and come in reusable shatter-resistant glass containers that are super cute and feel high-quality. Refills for the products come in plastic-free packaging and every time you place an order they offset the carbon emissions from your shipment! You can see why I am into them, right?

The next question is do the products work? I received a bar of soap, dryer balls, laundry detergent tablets, liquid dish soap, dishwasher tablets, liquid hand soap, and an all purpose cleaner spray in my kit. Thus far I have been happy with all of them, although the bar soap is nothing to write home about. What I think has been one of the most impressive products is the all purpose spray. I was super skeptical of natural all purpose sprays until this one. I love it for cleaning stuck on food on the stove and even soap scum in the tub!

I am looking forward to my first refill shipment so I can analyze the packaging it comes in, maybe I’ll share an update then.

If you are interested in trying out Cleancult for yourself use my code GINA15 for 15% off your first order. And check out my Instagram for a fun time lapse of me using the all purpose cleaner.

2019 Resolutions Report Card

Each year I typically look back on my past year’s resolutions and rate myself on how well I held up. Although I enjoy this process of reflection this year I am not going to grade myself. I’ve been reading this book called The Birth Order Book, and it’s opened my eyes to how self-critical I am. As a firstborn I am a bit of a perfectionist. In the past I wore my perfectionism as a badge of honor but now I understand how unhealthy it actually is. Long story short, I think forgoing the self grading this year is a step in the right direction.


Now onto my resolutions!

This year I wanted to focus on enjoying the process in all aspects of my life, resting more and not just when my body forced me to, and staying grounded in my faith.

Enjoying the process is such a process in itself. I have been working hard to reprogram re way my brain works for a few years now. I’ve always been a results driven person. I love the feeling of setting a goal and then pushing until I reach the finish line, typically sooner than expected. And once I do I immediately move on I the next thing if I haven’t already (chronic multi-tasker over here). As I have gotten older the satisfaction in achievement has waned at times. I even went through a period of nihilism where everything seemed a bit pointless. That’s when I had to step back and think more about the deeper mission of achieving goals I set. I began to realize that no achievement is remarkable without appreciation for the effort that went into it. And even more importantly no end goal is worth Much if all the time spent reaching it is lost as either a blurred or stressful memory. In short, this year I have been actively trying not to begrudge all the steps between me and my objectives. I am trying to reflect each day as I go through the process of learning and growing and it makes those end goals feel less important and all the small wins along the way are the ones I get to cherish.

As for my resting resolution, I definitely need more work in this area. I have decided that the theme of 2020 will be rest for me once again. One great stride I made was in understanding my unhealthy relationship with rest and the guilt I feel when taking it. I began listening to the Stressproof podcast and in one episode the host, Susan Choi, talks about achievement addiction. I immediately realized that I had that. As Susan describes it, a symptom of achievement addiction may be the “your sense of achievement once reaching your goal is short lived, you minimize your achievements to yourself and others and say it’s really no big deal, you never feel at rest and often feel restless, (and more…).” I certainly lean toward feeling restless, minimizing my accomplishments, and chasing the next checkbox. Over the years I have noticed this in myself and I think this is in part where the guilt for resting or spending my time “unproductively has come from.” And while I have somewhat settled the restlessness and checkbox chasing, the inability to rest still remains. All that to say I am going to keep working at it because I know just how important turning off is to the creative mind, spiritual mind, and physical body.

My last big resolution was about faith, and I think that deserves a post on its own so I am going to save my thoughts for another day.

If you liked this resolution report card, check out my others from past years here. And you can see my visual summary of 2019 below with more detail on instagram.


What I Wore to the Park


Autumn is finally hitting LA (despite it being 89F earlier this week), and my favorite thing to do is take a walk to the park to decompress. This outfit was me being lazy, but I ended up loving the causal look.


Outfit details:

For Days t-shirt. This tee super cool because I can exchange it for a new one for life and the old one will get recycled! #circularity

Thrifted black tank dress (similar here)

Madewell Sandals (from Poshmark)

Gifts for the Avid Traveler

The holidays are fast approaching and I have already been looking around for gifts for the special people in my life. One of my favorite ways to shop is finding similarities between me and the gift receiver and then basically shop for myself (don’t judge). In this gift guide, I am shopping for my fellow travel lovers.

Some of my most used and loved items include a sturdy and attractive backpack, versatile neck pillow, long-lasting tumbler, packing cubes, noise-canceling headphones, external battery pack, cute passport holder, and a travel journal to record all the memories in.


Books to inspire