Microfiber Accountability

I talk a lot about reducing my single-use plastic waste, but last year I started learning about micro plastics and how they are wreaking havoc on our oceans, food supply, and physical health.

One thing I didn’t know until last year is that my clothes are shedding microfibers as were wear and wash them. Shedding isn’t much of a problem when it comes to organic fibers (cotton, wool, linen, etc) because they will break down and not release harmful toxins. This is one of the reasons why for my clothing line, Two Days Off, I only use natural fibers. But for synthetics fabrics, they shed fiber often derived from petroleum that breaks down to release harmful toxins.

There are a few easy solutions to capture these microfibers that I have stumbled upon. One are bags to toss your synthetic clothing in like the one from Girlfriend Collective picture above; the guppy bag is another one that has been on the market for quite some time. There are also attachments you can add to your washing machine to capture the shed fibers like this one.
Since I live in an apartment and don’t have an in-unit washer dryer, the bag was the best option for me. I also don’t have much clothing made from synthetic fabrics except for my work out clothes and swim wear so I think just one bag should work for me.

I’m eager to try this out and see what accumulates in the bag! Maybe I’ll share a follow-up if it is interesting.
