
There’s some thing about an eclipse that physically reminds you that we are on a planet within a solar system surrounded by many other celestial bodies that are incomprehensibly bigger than us.

As much as I tried to resist the lure of astrology, I have been a low key fan since the days of monthly horoscopes in the back of Teen Beat magazine. I saw a post from Amy of @sistervillage on Instagram about the eclipse and new moon and it got me thinking.

In the post Amy asserts that the Aries Solar Eclipse that happened on Monday represents new beginning and as is an opportunity to boldly move towards your goals. It’s a time for reflection and doing the inner work to get there. The caveat being that in order for something new to come into your life, some thing (or things) need to be released. Specifically whatever has been holding you back. This is what piqued my interest the most. I’ve been reflecting on what holds me back from my goals and it always comes back to me. I get in my own way by trying to do all things “perfectly” all time.

In the past I’ve dug into my perfectionist tendencies and they are all rooted in the subconscious belief that I must be perfect in order to be worthy. There a a multitude of things from my childhood I’ve identified as contributing to this belief, but instead of rehashing that I am focusing on rewriting this script on the deepest level. Whenever a feeling of “I don’t deserve this” or “I’m not good enough” creeps in I interrogate why I believe that. There root of that feeling always dissipates after deeper reflection. Thankfully these feelings are fewer and further between these days, but not eradicated. Just a few days ago a stressful situation threw me into those feelings of self doubt but the recovery seems to be swifter and smoother the older I get.

This eclipse came at just the right moment for me. Like the sun, moon, and our planet, it’s a time for me to align with my highest self. A reminder to get out of my own way and continue doing the inner work as opportunities arise.